Landing page for Griselda Majashir, the Beast of Thavnair. An original character that lives by the world & events of Final Fantasy XIV.

Full Name: Griselda Majashir
Race: Viera-Veena/Rava
Age: 31 summers
Height: Six fulms, three ilms // Eight fulms, two ilms with ears
Weight: 260 ponzes
Eyes: Violet/blue
Hair: Dark brown, with light brown highlights
Build: Lean/toned, broad shouldered, wide jaw, core strength prio
Voice: Masculine, Light South American Accent, Voice Claim
Griselda Majashir Spotify PlaylistPlace(s) of Origin: Thavnair (Born), Yok Tural, Urqopacha
Residence: Ishgard, Empyreum
Grand Company: Maelstrom
Organizations, Allies & Affiliates: The Great Work, Radiant Host, Scions of the Seventh Dawn, Rowena's House of Splendors, Garlond Ironworks, Ala Mhigan Resistance, Bozjan Resistance Front, Ilsabard Contingent, Dawnbreakers
Sex: Intersex
Gender: Non-binary
Pronouns: They/Them
Sexuality: Demisexual
Status: Eternally Bonded to Ferrah Astrato
Class: Radiant Host - Proficient in all martial armaments. Axes preferred.
Job: Demiurge - Descendants of ancient warlords who were believed to have followed their patron deity Jaldabaoth to the center of the earth. This primordial power draws upon the destructive forces of fire & stone in the form of offensive & defensive abilities centered around the use of Dynamis.
Alignment: Neutral Good - Their interests align with the Warrior of Light & the Scions of the Seventh Dawn as a means to an end. Otherwise, their concern lies with the preservation of themselves & their allies.Combat Style: Lead the Charge - Frontline fighter with no honor or mercy spared. Opts for quick subjugation or incapacitation with decisive tactics and full control over the flow of combat. Often faulted as "playing dirty".
Chains of the Beast - Manifesting Dynamis in the form of thorned chains. Used to slow[Arms Length] or subdue[Low Blow, Holmgang] in both lethal & non-lethal situations. Manipulated as a party boon in the form of an unaspected shield [Shake It Off].
Share the Pain - Imparting a link between one other where their target is healed the more damage Griselda inflicts upon their mutual foe [Nascent Flash].
Primordial Eruption - Calling upon the previous warriors of ancient Urqopacha embedded in their soul stone, Griselda ignites momentarily to deliver an offensive force to break even the mightiest of sieges [Inner Release].
Other notes:
Non-WoL - Griselda Majashir operates as a former Radiant Host recruited into the Scions of the Seventh Dawn.
Akasa - Griselda does not strictly wield Aether, instead becoming an unknowing catalyst of Dynamis.Latecomer - Not present in any MSQ scenario until late Heavensward [Post "The Vault"].Brewmaster's Boon - A talent honed at the Great Work, Griselda leaves Thavnair a master alchemist. This talent is pushed when discovered by Rowena & her House of Splendors when the two meet in Mor Dhona & Gris's alchemical advancements set a new standard across all of Eorzea.[Shadowbringers]
Not the First - During ShB MSQ, Griselda takes up working with the Bozjan Resistance and eventually takes part in the Werlyt Weapon's storyline. Does not participate in any mainline ShB MSQ duty as a result.
Tax of the Earth - Although normally clad in shoulder lengthed gloves, Griselda's arms both bear Dynamis-aspected scars from tip until it fades around the bicep. This is a mark of their valor against the Endsinger, where Griselda called upon the Earth itself to defend against a fatal attack. The molten rock, although a manifestation through Dynamis, was volatile enough that it harmed Gris, although it would ultimately pay off in the Warrior of Light's triumph.
Devotion - A Hyur/Raen spellsword & fellow Scion named Ferrah Astrato became the object of Griselda's admiration & eventual affection. No stranger to desire & infatuation, Griselda instead attempted to keep things professional between them but the feelings they attempted to suppress grew ever more prevalent upon every encounter, eventually proving them to be inescapable. After consulting with close friends, Griselda proposes to Ferrah, eternally bonding in Thavnair before making their way to their new home in Ishgard's Empyreum district.
Griselda x Ferrah Spotify Playlist
Magnanimity - Opening a free company hall out of the Mist with permissions from Merlwyb & the Maelstrom, Griselda passionately spends their free time & excess gil sponsoring & building up new, veteren & potential adventurers, supplying them with room, board, meals & covering the many different expenses in their line of work.

What is a constant:
— Their background as a Radiant Host & a former Scion of the Seventh Dawn.
— Dynamis as their main source of strength.
— Their Thavnairian & Urqopachaen heritage.
What is a variable:
— Their love life & who they would be currently involved with.
— Residency between Ishgard's Empyreum or Forgotten Knight and/or Mor Dhona.
— Allied organizations such as Ilsabard Contingent and Garlond Ironworks.
What is not involved:
— Their canon activities between the MSQ.
When engaging in roleplay, I ask you refrain from following their timeline. I prefer to keep their established lore separated from their roleplay career.I will return whatever energy is given to me. Depending on the setting, I can engage in one-shots or play a long game. I'm mainly interested in expanding my knowledge, etiquette & skill as a writer/roleplayer. I am still very new to the concept.I have no real preference for the type of roleplay & can be available in game, through Discord or a Google doc. My hours are sporadic but I am available most early mornings, evenings & Friday + Saturday. Erotic roleplay is fine & I may use our dialogues as inspiration for a GPOSE set. Do not engage for ERP unless you are familiar with the types of erotica I create & engage with!

Heya! My name is Griselda Amadeo, I'm a 30 y/o Mex-Apache ace enby living out in Southern California! I enjoy XIV immensely and you'll often see me engaging in many different circles and content. Griselda Majashir is my lovely NonWoL and current passion project. My Discord is griseldaXIV and I will accept basically any friend request with prior notification! I have adhd and a penchant for using it positvely, however, if my energy becomes overwhelming, let me know!

Gift of Gab - Griselda is quite the chatterbox and enjoys learning as much as they can. Though this has earned them the ire of few, they're unapologetic and will instead share information about themselves in turn.Ever Willing Host - Hospitality is core to Griselda's character, often choosing to bond over an intimate date such as cooking a meal or sharing a quiet night.Unquenchable Curiosity - No doubt a display of neurodivergence, Griselda is very critical of things they find intriguing, often questioning the very foundations of a persons or organizations goals and dispositions. Their respect and admiration of an individual/party grows insurmountably if the answer(s) they receive are satisfactory.Armed With A Mind - Griselda kept up with their studies from their time with the Great Work and still currently experiments with new alchemical breakthroughs. Most notably always seeking new catalysts and ingredients to further improve upon combat alkahests and tinctures, they're often looking for candidates to test/sample their latest brew.Candid Aficionado - Since discovering the tomestone's photo taking ability[GPOSE], Griselda loves to capture as many memories as they can both on their own and with good company.Wondering Wanderer - Usually, if left to their own devices, they explore their immediate area and find people to talk to or some kind of task to fill the moment. Often found in venues and establishments all across the explorable continents.The Pointman - A frontline fighter and damn good at what they do. Their control and manipulation of combat is a sight to behold both as a spectator and participant. Before you know it, you're dancing the same dance as Gris, in harmony with the carnage of your shared battle high.The Outsider - Gaining the ire of the Hannish nobility due to their disregard for status & not being a pure-blooded Thavnairian, Griselda has always remained a target to a set of hardliners in the upper echelon of Radz-at-Han. The current satrap Ahewann plays mediator between the two, recognizing the concerns of the citizens while acknowledging the indispensable skill of Griselda.

The nature of this page is divulge information of Griselda's interactions with the Main Scenario [MSQ]. As such, heavy story spoilers are present!ETERNALLY revising and revisioning! Treat the following as an ever evolving WIP!













A collection of artwork commissions and gifts of Griselda!